Sunday 4 May 2014

selection of anatomy sketches and pose work

Monster Girl designing

I wanted to design a personal monster girl, using the things i liked most, i came up with a creature

this is the creature i came up with

and deciding on a colour i did some colour tests, taking pallets from everyday pictures from google and testing it out on the character

these are the colours and patterns i started out with
doing random things that came to mind with the colours i had

I then too the 5 fav designs i had and colour swapped each of them so i had a design in every colour

I then picked my fav colour combos and designs into these few
and decided on a soft pastel for her

40k Ork designs

I wanted to use scifi and fantasy as a project again to do more with it, and chose a personal favourite topic of warhammer 40k orks

different orc and ork face/ head designs.

I like the idea of long faced orks and broad faced orcs, they're different but retain the orky nature.

 shaded and added a splash of colour to the designs, wanting to try different shading techniques, all in photoshop, im still not 100% with the program, not as well as Manga Studio 5
 Orc shape designs, looking at the variety of simple shapes i can make into orky creatures.
my fav being the squre and triangle shapes.

the upside down triangle is unfinished with joke arms and legs.

Then i picked out a face i wanted to expand on, and made a loosely based character off of it, again with a female companion for interaction

coloured it to add some life
female companion is a cactus woman

  did another sketch of his head, and started to flesh out his body and give him a personality

9 heads high and hes a tall bulky bugger

 added a wife beater and ripped pants
 added hat and ripped coat, i kept each layer to do a full referance for him,and each clothing layer, but i forgot in the end

 deciding on which colours to use, i sent this image out to several people asking their opinion.
number 4 5 and 6 were most liked  so i went with the personal preference of 4

tested it on his face with a grey shadow, and it looks good!

 turned the grey shadows into blue to add some life into him, and started working on some yellow highlights on his skin

 coloured in the rest of the clothing and body with the same blue shading and yellow highlights as seen in the little pallet beside his head

background added!
since its set in a desert, i decided sand and mildy vacant sky
 decided that the colours were too dull and put some texture layers ver the top, then added bloom areas to where the off canvas sun would be hitting him.
and messed with the shadows around him to complete the picture
my tutor commented that the foot was wrong as he has no perspective.
 close up of the finished face, kept the speech bubble in for comedic effect

 having got my character finished i moved on to what sort of weapons he would have

a generic choppa, or war axe

a pipe i found via google images, all bent up and painted with hand gripping dents in the shaft for sluggin an beating allsorts of things up

and a burna, or flamethrower silhouette, made to look modded and hand crafted, complete with petrol pump handel and bottle of fuel.

I moved onto something different as i was pressed for more things.
after watching a 4 hour video instructed by my tutor and to copy the image the artist had did, i decided otherwise, and wanted to use his select tool technique to paint a plane scene

thumbnails for the painted scene with a rundown plane thats crashed and turned into a makeshift house

i liked the top image so i took the ork figure and landrover in the forground and put him in a scrap yard
the plane based off the 40k Bomma

 3D Mockup to get a good angle and help with my perspective issue

Took one of the pictures and traced over it and added some simple things that id like in the foreground and background

part way using the magnetic lasso tool to block out the shapes ready to shade and enhance

I stopped this project to work on something that wouldnt distract me and take me away from my main objective, so i started the Old Gods Project